Marlyne T Shohe

About Marlyne T Shohe
“Hello, my name is Marlyne T Shohe. I live in Burma camp near Power House, Dimapur, Nagaland. My husband is the Pastor in church and I work as a Teacher. I always love making different kinds of pickles with my beloved mother during my spare time and used to share with friends and relatives. Little did I know that they would love my pickles to their heart core, they would praise my pickles and request for more. Added to them are my two little girls who really enjoy savouring my edibles and dishes. Their love for my pickles boosted my passion in experimenting different kinds of pickles like radish pickles, bitter gourd, different kinds of vegetables and meat pickles.”
How did the business take off?
“It was during the 2020 pandemic that my Late mother and I planned to register our small business named Liwulo Kumla (changed to Liulo Kümla for future reference). Although our business became a huge success during lockdown we couldn’t register our business because of continuous lockdown measures. It was only in 2021 we could successfully register our business and since then I am taking care of this small yet satisfactory business till date (as my mother passed away unfortunately).
My main concern why I started this business, although my family has enough to survive by the grace of God, is because today’s generation has forgotten the value of dignity of labour. I wanted to implant the roots of dignity of labour in the younger generation by setting an example. It is also because I learned a lesson from my daughter who once asked me to buy her expensive gift, when I refused she said, “Mom, sell pickles and with that money you can buy me gifts”. This response hit me hard that even a little girl understands that if we work we can earn. From this moment, I thought I would continue working the best way possible to teach younger kids how to earn and survive.”

“I take orders both offline and online but mostly online mode. I provide home delivery service as well”.
You can reach her out here
+91 9612501886