The month of March 2020 marked the beginning of a lockdown that would disrupt our daily life’s and make everyday feel like Monday. Waking up became a chore too hard to pick up and living became just as hard. Depression and anxiety shot up and society crippled down because life had ceased to bustle. A lot of cities turned into ghost towns with no life, but in such a time of distraught, nature thrived in the inactivity of life. Nature has slowly been enveloping the scars left behind by us, in a way, teaching us that healing always comes.

In the confines of our home during such a time, people had to find a way to sustain life in the form of online jobs, work from home opportunities, online schooling and all the necessities for a social life. And among such an array of outlets for sustaining everyday life, gardening was also part of it. Growing plants work like therapy and improves our mood, especially for people who live in the heart of cities where nature can’t reach them. Small balcony gardens was as close as they could get to nature during the lockdown. And in such a tire time, plant lovers and enthusiasts took their chances in spreading their love for gardening and there has been much rave for indoor plants, spices and herbs.

The effect of lockdown in Nagaland was no less. Schools, Churches, offices, shops, all came to a halt and created much confusion and chaos among the people. Labourer’s and other daily wage earners lost their only source of income and had to rely on government sanctions and well-wishers. During such a time of stress, a lot of people turned to their backyards to grow and provide vegetables for their families. The flora and fauna of Nagaland is also another spectacle to awe at, and with a fertile land susceptible to a variety of plants, vegetables, fruit trees, flowering bushes and the likes. As one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world, Nagaland has the potential for extensive gardening that can generate funds for small families and industries alike.

Some districts in Nagaland produce export products and run as small to mid-range companies. Such companies are making use of the fertility of the land as well as the suitable weather conditions. Apart from all these inclinations there are seasonal harvests and seasonal plants and vegetables that are being used to further the production rate and increase yield and variety. It is not only the big fields that have the capability of producing such products but it is very much possible for land owners with backyards to create their own mini gardens for sustainable living. A garden doesn’t need to be acres of land, it can be a small patch of land that might cover just the reach of your arms but it will still yield you enough produce; and manure can be easily obtained from cattle farms or made at home.  

Just a simple google search can tell us what grows in what season and the weather conditions it needs to grow and much more. With weather conditions ranging from tropical to temperate, a variety of vegetables, herbs, spices and plants can be planted. It is not impossible to have a healthy garden that yields produce enough for the needs of your family. And a garden doesn’t necessarily have to be full of vegetables, it can also be just a simple flower bed for people who think growing vegetables are a hassle, and flowers work in beautifying your house and helps the bees and other small insects. It inevitably contributes to the circle of life.

Plants exude an essence of purity and peace that indirectly calms our spirit during moments of turmoil; the process of gardening involves care, attention and delicacy, all of which are involved in the proper nourishment and growth of the plants being grown. Taking care of plants take time, effort and a lot of patience and dedication, which indirectly helps us in building character and our thought process. Like gardening having its own tools and elements to make things easier and to help the plants grow; likewise, it helps an individual’s growth as well. Human life is much like gardening; we need a lot of care and attention, and being only human, we are susceptible to decay, not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Just like plants losing their lustre when we forget to water them, humans can also lose their essence when not cared for duly. Humans are no different from plants; having a lot of complications and drawbacks but with the needed nutrients and care, we grow to become individuals of great merit and respect. To have a proper growth, it is necessary to weed out what steals our essence and drive; and to keep close with people and words that nurture our potential and growth.

Having 17 tribes in total, Nagaland has a variety of tribal dishes unique to every tribe. And because of such a variety of cuisine, the ingredients vary from region and tribe as well. There are a variety of Naga traditional food items that are generally bought from markets but it can also be grown at home. We can grow our own herbs and spices and vegetables that comply with the weather conditions of the places we live in. As for people living in apartments, there is always the option of growing indoor herbs and spices and making amble use of their balconies. The reason for the need of home-based gardening is because market products are now often mass produced with the use of chemicals and strong fertilizers that might cause harm to the human body in the long run. Vegetables and plants from our very own gardens will help with better nutrition and fully organic supplements without the added preservatives and health hazard chemicals. Growing plants and vegetables not only help us relax, but also serves as a source of income for many families and business enthusiast. Likewise, nature is healing and helping people through gardening. As sombre as it may sound, having dirt on our hands make us realize that we will someday inevitably become the dirt and create a cycle where we nurture Mother nature.

With modernity fast on our tail, we have seen the rise of more rural children migrating to urban areas for better education and families shifting to more urban areas for a better lifestyle, but with such a shift, our villages are losing people and the number of people having fields are dropping drastically. In turn there is less produce and yield thus making us turn to inorganic products to fill in the empty spaces. This is why there is a need to start gardening in our spaces to cover the deficit incurred because of modernity. There are only benefits to be gained from gardening and it also serves as a boosting hobby. This past lockdown, we’ve learned to ‘human’ better, and it would definitely benefit us; the society and the world, if we encourage gardening. There is nothing to lose but much to gain.

"He who plants a garden plants happiness."