Education as a Weapon for Women Empowerment in Nagaland

Education enables a person to read and write, it is a lifelong strategy that undertakes a comprehensive approach in assisting an individual to prepare for everyday challenges and thereby, enhancing them to have the ability in making proper decisions in life while being filled with confidence and assurance has the potential to alter the world. It also aims to change the concept of gender stereotypes by establishing equal opportunities, property rights, recognition and outcome for women in particular to that of men. For ages, women were regarded as inferior to their male counterparts and this discrimination has continued throughout history but proper and quality education helps to eradicate this stigma and allows to share uniformity between the genders without being judged. The internal struggle of women in the past is illustrated by the cases of well-known individuals who, while having equal talent to men were denied chances and forced to perform menial tasks at home which has proven to have a profound impact on western societies and is now beginning to impact eastern cultures as well. Since getting married was the only option for women to maintain their independence, security, stability and freedom this means that every woman tries to find her place in society by putting her needs before her wishes and this is still prevalent in Naga context today.

Recognizing the value of both genders has become critical for profitable growth because women also make vital contributions to a society and through education a woman feels more liberating since she’ll be able to get access in raising her family’s standard of life, change agents, care takers, peace makers and society as a whole. However, overtime women’s roles and social positions have improved drastically and today’s women can be seen working outside the walls of their houses by engaging in a variety of other activities and this has been possible because of the advancement of education among women. Comparatively, the current scenario in Nagaland appears women to be excelling well academically and are seeking more higher education than men. Women are now very prominent and more likely to act as leaders, decision makers, and even participate in politics because of the opportunity for equal education. In contrast to earlier times, women now lead ambitious and successful lives. Their choices are respected both in their internal and external lives respectively, they have greater wages and have high levels of respect. Thus, the gender disparity has finally been eliminated by education. Most importantly, unless there is equal representation of women both in the political and public arenas, we cannot say that our India is purely democratic and one should note that having women in positions of authority benefits society as a whole. Many educated Naga women voices out their grievances and issues at the forefront of public discussion that vehemently affects them therefore, these are the results of greater chances of liberty and being on the same social ladder with their male counter parts.

With a literacy rate of 76.11% compared to the National average of 65.46% women in Nagaland have the highest rate of literacy. It is also regarded as one of the safest places in the nation for women to remain. The first two females MLAs ever elected to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly are Hekani Jakhalu and Salhoutonuo Kruse. S Phangnon Konyak was the first female Rajya Sabha member to be appointed to the committee of vice- chairpersons. Naga women now achieve academically in both the public and private spheres and even attain the highest positions in civil services exams. Therefore, without a question, women’s status in Nagaland has significantly improved throughout time. However, we still have a long way to go before we can claim complete equality in all spheres of social and political engagement. It is necessary to balance the two genders in order to provide enough support since if only men are given the privilege, only half of the populace will be civilized.  The current scenario of women empowerment in the field of education has been a significant tool in this century and at this juncture, their prospects and progress have been limitless so to speak.  It has shaken the women folk from their sweet slumber to maintain their status and dignity. This makes it abundantly clear that they have made great strides in achieving parity with males in terms of prestige.  The obligation placed on educated women is fascinating because of their enormous influence on the social and behavioral development of the younger generation who will be the leaders of tomorrow. The importance of national advancement is constantly weighed carefully by educated women, and they strive to do away with everything that holds them back from progress it shows how they’ve received proper training to protect and value their rights.

Many Naga women have achieved great success and influence in their life by working hard on their own and the women of today proudly look up to them for motivation and inspiration because women have equal talents as males and it is evident that they’re on an equal footing. So women’s empowerment comes from education, which is also a potent instrument for eradicating and eliminating biasness in a society.