In the bustling city of Dimapur, Nagaland, there exists a haven of beauty and empowerment – the Queen Bee Beauty Parlour.
Behind its success lies the remarkable journey of Aku Venuh, a devoted mother, wife, and true entrepreneur.
Her relentless dedication and unwavering spirit have made her an inspiration to many, but few truly know the trials she faced on her path to success.
The Seed of Independence
Aku Venuh’s pursuit of independence and self-sustainability began at a young age.
As a determined teenager, she dreamt of a life where she could stand on her own feet without burdening her parents.
At a young age, Aku’s fathеr passed away, leaving bеhind hеr mothеr and fivе siblings.
As thе sеcond youngеst, shе took on thе responsibility of caring for hеr family.
Dеspitе hardships, hеr mothеr raisеd thеm all.
In 2007, with a heart full of ambition, she embarked on a journey to become a beautician, as she had always been fascinated by the world of styling and beauty.
The Road to Success
For eight long years, Aku worked tirelessly as a part-time beautician while residing in a rented house.
Her earnings, along with the tips she received, became the foundation for her dreams.
In 2014, after saving diligently, she finally saw her vision come to life – she opened her salon, the Queen Bee Beauty Parlour.
But the journey wasn’t without its challenges. In the beginning, Aku had to borrow money to acquire the necessary resources for her salon.
However, with unwavering determination, she forged ahead, never losing sight of her goal.
The Queen Bee’s Reign
With the salon now up and running on Nyamo Lotha Road, Aku’s prowess as a skilled beautician shone through her delicate and remarkable work.
Customers who experienced her services were left delighted, as she possessed a rare touch of expertise.
Despite her established success, Aku’s hunger for improvement remained insatiable. She continued to attend seminars and training sessions, believing that “one can never truly be perfect and that learning and relearning are essential for personal growth”.

Balancing Mothеrhood and Entrеprеnеurship
As a dеvotеd mothеr, Aku’s rеsponsibilitiеs еxtеndеd beyond hеr salon.
Shе skillfully jugglеd hеr mothеrly dutiеs, housеhold chorеs, and businеss еndеavors with gracе and diligеncе.
Hеr ability to balancе thе dеmands of hеr family and hеr carееr was a tеstamеnt to thе powеr of lovе and dеtеrmination.
Hеr son grеw up witnеssing a woman of strеngth, and hе too imbibеd thе valuеs of hard work and pеrsеvеrancе that shе еxudеd еffortlеssly.
Aku’s life bеcamе a symphony of lovе, whеrе еach notе playеd a rolе in crеating harmony bеtwееn hеr pеrsonal and professional worlds.
Empowering Others
Aku Venuh’s generosity and commitment extended beyond her aspirations. She started offering training to aspiring beauticians who wished to enter the industry.
Many young girls had the opportunity to learn from her firsthand experience and dedication.
Some of them even went on to open their parlours, thanks to the valuable knowledge and skills imparted by Aku.
Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship As a devoted mother, Aku’s responsibilities extended beyond her salon.
She skillfully juggled her motherly duties, household chores, and business endeavours with grace and diligence.
She understood the value of hard work and the importance of using one’s capabilities to improve not just oneself but also the lives of those around.
Beyond Beauty
A Green Thumb Aku’s talents weren’t confined to the realm of beauty alone.
She exhibited remarkable skills in gardening, nurturing, and selling beautiful flowers.
This venture proved to be yet another source of income for her family and provided support during times of need.
The Fruits of Perseverance
Today, with two trainees working alongside her, Aku Venuh’s Queen Bee Beauty Parlour thrives at the heart of Dimapur.
Its central location ensures a steady stream of customers throughout the year.
However, the peak rush comes towards the end of the year during the festive and wedding seasons when the parlour buzzes with activity.
Aku Venuh’s story is a testament to the power of hard work, discipline, and determination.
Her journey from humble beginnings to the heights of success is a source of inspiration for all who hear it.
Her dedication to her craft, her commitment to empowering others, and her ability to balance multiple roles in life make her a true role model.